Jan 4, 2019

What the fuck is happening?

Like seriously man...

I am right now at a special place in my life.
I don't have to spend much money for my rent
I don't need to contribute to society much.
In fact... I even get shit done and I get some money.
I am in some debt and a lot of tasks add onto each

Right now I'm living in a homeless shelter.

I tell you the day of today.

I basically woke up with a buddy that I have to share
the room with. I drove him to an appointment.
Afterwards I drove home to me mum and drank some
black tea with sugar and cream. I masturbated
furiously on my 3 screens and afterwards planned the
day of tomorrow.

I am fucking unemployed right now. How come I have
to do so fucking much yo?

Afterwards I had to drive to a supermarket where a
post station is build in to drop some packages that I sold
on eBay. I bought for 200€ PC hardware to sell it on eBay for
around 410€. Makes a plus of 210€, yes. Indeed sirreee that is correct.
But what you don't know is the fact that I had to spend around 12 hours
to make and edit the photos. Give direct describtions about the articles
as well as communication with the customers and bidders, packing
that shit and driving to the post station. Lot of hard work, but it somewhat
payed out. My mum gave me some pocket money (i'm 27 yo! (and a real gangsta yo!!)).
I have to pay that shit into my bank account since I am somewhat in some debts.

Afterwards I washed my dirty clothes in the homeless shelter.
These guys there have newer washing machines than I ever did.
Right now I parked my car on a Lidl. I am sitting in a McDonalds
in Eriagstraße and I'm typing this right now in a McCafé corner.

Live is chill at the fucking moment, yo!

I think imma put some ads on here. I really despise ads, but if  it makes a living...
I also want to join cults, do conspiracy shit and I wanna plan my next assassination
of JFK the third. No seriously. I was never ever the big ads guy, until I found out
that this shit might save my live. If I have enough money for everything that
I've planned... I seriously wanna meet some of my "fans" if they exist or at
least some haters or somebody who doesn't know me and who wants to hang
with me. If that sounds kinda cool to you... then click my ads.

Sounds like shitty advertising, but I seriously mean it. I've met
quite interesting people where I live. I want to explore more of the human nature.

I was working as a beggar the other day and made around 70  € and got some food, yo.

That was chill af!

See you guys in the future.

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