Aug 8, 2024

i did it !!!11!!1!1!1

 the book is done

needs correctin an all thatg

but everythin else is fine

i do stuff but sluggish

i need to progress faster yadda yadda

see you soon in a couple of years,

bye ::

Jan 28, 2019


I had a god damn good job interview some fucking big cash money was involved.

I hope I get the job and I also hope to sell my body on the streets and I wanna
get all the STDs in the world and I wanna be obnoxious about it and annoy
and infect everyone I love and I wanna be the last person to survive this
kind of tragedy that I started and that I can end whenever I want.




What is there left to say?

I helped out some granny with some tech stuff and didn't get any money for it.

I feel how my skills in regards to writing stuff on digital paper and doing music
is slowing down. This is a spiral on still-holding decay.

We need to eat more lead. It is unhealthy and I am in every way better than anyone.

So we stay with these facts and numbers and we will act upon like nothing every happened
to anyone.

We will make it together and in the end I will betray you all, because of W W WELTSCHMERZ!

Jan 17, 2019


Since I have a car, I am less cold but more frustrated.
Short distances are still way to long, but the heat makes
up for that. When you think about things like that, it isn't
half as bad.

But then there is the process of writing here and there again
while lingering and procrastinating, not working, not being
efficient enough for this very life.

Is there more to life than being fat and unemployed and to
be debted until you die?

I hope not, because I enjoy every god damn second out of
it. So be it. Let all those fuckers have what they want.

In the end it doesn't even matter. I tried so hart and killed myseeeelf
like the front singer of Linkin paaaaaaaaaark.

That was mean and bad and not good for my karma.

So lets get back to that other shitty blog that won't fill with content
for the life of me.

I am always somewhere on my journeys and think shit like:
"Yeah, that would be good for a blog. Remember that shite and
write it down mane."

Then the dreaded moment has come and I forget everything.

I visited a friend today and he gave me some presents for my new

He has a shitty job and he smokes to much pot. He doesn't get to much
of my jokes and I feel very old when I hang around with him.

The funny thing is that he has friends that are even younger than himself
and he mentions how shitty they are.

The friend I mentioned five seconds ago....?
He also has tourrette syndrom and needs to shout every 5 minutes.

I don't know why, but he has to do shite like that. I wish he wouldn't
do that.

I need more help for my sites and blogs that I'm running. I am
experiencing bugs on Google AdSense as well as on Amazon Affiliate
program in general, speaking for Europe and all that stuff.

Jan 16, 2019


Actually nothing happened, yo!

I am still working on a somewhat stable workflow to put out 3 articles per day. How would you manage some shit like that? 2 Blogs want 500 words from you at least. The last one requires about 1.000 words from you. In the meantime you wanna practice musical skill, eat some greasy burgers in your favourite McD restaurant and steal some shitty rap lyrics from 6ix9nine to promote your shitty rap album that no one likes. Besides the fact that you need a high ground on certain things in life.

Like that shit will change...

nah, I know I'll just wait and suffer and sit through all this.

In the meantime I have to get my head around affiliate marketing and spamming and advertising

and shitty lines like "content is king". Yeah sure, I love to be a salesman at some point.

I would also love to change the face of marketing itself too though.

Like what's the deal with all the people in suits? Why can't we all wear our favourite furry costume

while promoting products. Like yo, what is up with that Mr. White?

All that binge watching of Game Of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad

has left me scarred. I just wanted to be entertained for a short time. I didn't want to turn into a

plot-junkie who needs his immediate fix of bad writing and all that shite.

It seems quite clearly, clear as the sky could be, that we need to focus more on points like that.

Work like clockwork. I got a job, so it seems. So this time I celebrated that fact by eating a little more

over 13€ or so. My casual or daily expense would be around 5€. You might throw around words

like "excited" and you would be true with that kind of statement.

However, you still need to find and get a grip for work, free time, friends, learning, freelancing, working on your

own base, not neglecting schedules and what not. You might even slip through all this without any serious

damage to your body or your mind. However: Stay woke mane!

For tomorrow I have 4 or 5 job interviews, I also need to take a trip to my doc and I need to take a shower.

I must use Lamisil EXTREME, to remove my foot fungus. Foot fungus is not quite good.

In fact it's disgusting. Like Herpes, everyone has foot fungus. It breaks out less in other people and more

in other.

What a strang world, where diseases are somewhat already slumbering in you. They wait until you immune system is weak. Then it'll attack you and it makes your face and your feet look ugly. I mean the foot fungus in combination with the herpes of curse. Don't forget the pus around your smelly armpits and the pimples on the whole rest of your body. At this point suicide would be not all to wrong, but then again: God would be very sad about that. Do you want to make god very sad? No? Didn't think so either, so stay away from those foot fungi and don't eat mushrooms that don't give you hallucinations. That's just plain stupid.

Jan 8, 2019


Koffein + Methylphenidat ist ein Liebesbeweis an den modernen Schriftsteller. Noch nie war es einfacher die mentalen Areale auf ein digitales Blatt Papier hinzukotzen. =))

What a day

In the morning I left alone the homeless shelter.
I met my mum and then organized some shit.
I drove to a company to apply for some shitty job that
I don't want, but I have to apply. Otherwise I won't get
none of them n1 neetbucks. So I introduced myself
in the buro. The woman on the buro said I should
just apply online. What a god damn dork I am.
Now I know, that as an unemployed german
you don't even need to leave the door anymore, if you
don't want. This adds up new and interesting aspects
in your life.

A buddy in the homeless shelter left me some
Methylphenidat. I took 2 of 'em and kept
rocking my schedule and organizing and
listening to music and jerking off.

I sadly need to somewhat abandon this blog.

I found out yesterday what the terms are to
advertise on your blog.

You're not allowed to mention drugs
and violence in any kind of gloryfing way.

I am also giving this an american rating what my plans will be on responding everywhere.
With an american grade system and an european.

A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6

1 and A are the best and F and 6 the worst.

So this is where I am right now:
I will write here again. I somewhat wanna keep a schedule here. #NSFW (B)
I wanna finish my book also in this year hopefully. (D)
I am going to start now a SFW blog. (A / B)
I am still writing down my memories and dreams and everything and shit like that. (C)

Jan 7, 2019

This is interesting.

I am at a very interesting point of my life. Today I met an old buddy of mine on this sunday afternoon as always. He complained about stomach aches and that's why we had to leave earlier than usual.
This opened the time-window for me in which I escorted a frind of mine back to his house from 17:30 o'clock 'till 18:00 o'clock. After that I drove home and packed my dirty laundry in a bag and drove to my homeless shelter. That's the place that I have to stay for now from Sunday night 'till Friday morning. On the weekends I return back home to my mother and to my old room. These 3 spots: My mums flat, the friends place, my homeless shelter... they are only about 10 km away, so it somewhat paid off to pick up the dirty laundry at around 18:30. At around 1900h I arrived in the homeless shelter, only to find out that 2 of the 3 washing machines were already running. The homeless shelter closed the washing rooms at 22:00. I did the math in my head and I was kinda amazed. Both washing procedures fit PERFECTLY into my time schedule and the laundry would be done at 22:00 o'clock. Little did I know what was about to be happening...

At first I had to help out a buddy with his internet connection and explain a lot of stuff to him. German isn't his mother tongue. English neither. So a lot of confusion arised. I was able to explain everything to him. I watched 2 episodes from the 3rd season of  "Better Call Saul", a profoundly good written spin-off series from "Breaking Bad". I even set up an alarm to be right at the spot at 22 o'clock when they would close up the washing room. Little did I know that neither the 3rd washing machine was on time nor did anybody of the building personal close up the room. So 2 new errors appeared which I couldn't calculate into my current situation. I waited about half an hour longer. Did I mention that my aunt missed to call me? Kinda unusual for her, but welp...

Did I also mention that I put my jacket into the washing machine?
I did put it in.
I mean I have a very short distance from about 20 meters or so on the ground floor from
my room to the washing machine. It was quite cold though.
I packed the gloves to the side. I grabbed the smartphone of one of the building-community-buddies in my flat and packed it into my car and drove off to McDonalds. That supreme feeling when you're all alone amongst masses...
and you got your 2 devices that you hook up to the free-for-3-hours McDondals internet hotspot.
When I was in my t-shirt all alone in the middle of the night. Just equipped with gloves and some cheap ass long trousers and it looks like you're about to do a robbery, but in reality you just keep your hands warm to drive to a very popular fast food chain restaurant to get your greasy and unhealthy food in combination with your caffeine punch that you need on a daily basis just to somewhat minimalistically function...

So that was my sunday. Would like to hear what happened to you guys.

2 things I listened to while writing these right here right now:
1. Samurai Champloo Soundtrack - The Long Way Of The Drums
2. A Dark Ambient playlist by no one else than Atrium Carceri

See you guys next time.